Plesk on CloudLinux

Plesk on CloudLinux 7.9

by Plesk International GmbH

Version Latest

OS CloudLinux 7.9



Plesk on CloudLinux is a web hosting control panel solution offered by Plesk that is specifically optimized for CloudLinux operating system. CloudLinux is a Linux-based operating system designed for web hosting providers, providing enhanced security, stability, and resource management capabilities.

Plesk on CloudLinux combines the advantages of both Plesk and CloudLinux to offer a powerful and feature-rich web hosting management platform. It allows web hosting providers to easily manage multiple websites, domains, email accounts, databases, and other web hosting resources from a centralized interface.

Additionally, Plesk on CloudLinux provides support for various programming languages, content management systems, and web technologies, making it easier for web administrators and developers to deploy and manage websites and web applications on CloudLinux servers.

In summary, Plesk on CloudLinux is a comprehensive web hosting control panel that offers advanced management features and compatibility with CloudLinux, enabling efficient website and server management for web hosting providers.

Software Included

Plesk on CloudLinux 7.9
Create Plesk Server Instance

App Details

Supported By: TurnKey

Hours: 24/7


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