Cloud Backups

Protect your data with redundant local backups

Rest easy while knowing that your data is safe and secure with a simple scalable backup service. The subscription service automatically performs hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly local backups of your cloud instances.

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Cloud Backups

Comprehensive, cost-effective cloud computing

Easily deploy and manage your Instance

Streamline your operations and take full control of your cloud instances with our user-friendly platform.

Scale your system as your project evolves

Seamlessly adjust resources and adapt to changing demands, ensuring your infrastructure evolves harmoniously with your project's needs.

Deploy anything in few seconds

Experience lightning-fast deployment with FibaCloud. Deploy anything, from applications to complex infrastructure, in a matter of seconds.


Keep your data safe with the our Backup Service. Schedule automatic backups so you can always recover your data locally.

What about our plans

Predictable and affordable pricing

Storage $/Mo
80 GB $8
640 GB $64
1280 GB $128


Dive deep into storage-related topics and setups with the help of our easy-to-follow tutorials

Product Documentation

Get started with cloud backups.

API Documentation

Use backups programmatically.

Community Tutorials

Create an encrypted file system.

Have special use cases or
business requirements?


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Content Resources

Empowering Knowledge, Inspiring Growth

Contribute to the growth of your business with advanced content resources. Access the comprehensive content library offered by FibaCloud, providing the latest trends, guides, and articles on cloud computing, security, artificial intelligence, and more.


Navigating Cloud Complexity Made Easy

Master cloud computing with step-by-step guides. FibaCloud's practical guides, prepared by knowledgeable experts, assist your business in effectively adopting and utilizing cloud technologies. Simplify complex tasks and discover best practices.

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